Why train in throwing motion?
In the video below, Shannon used an Indian club to perform throwing far. The instruction for this exercise is to do this motion as slowly as possible, to allow the body to find the solution to perform this movement, having time to think about which part of the body needs to engage more to make the motion so smooth!
Watch closely, and see if you notice that Shannon needs to move the Indian club above the shoulder faster to throw the object at its highest position. From this motion, I can customize training for Shannon: condition shoulder external rotation, rotator cuff stability, and scapula downward rotation.
Fitness Benefits of Throwing
1. Strength and Fitness
Throwing far requires a combination of explosive power, core strength, coordination, and flexibility. Training for this can improve overall athleticism and physical health.
It enhances muscle development, particularly in the shoulders, core, back, and legs.
2. Skill Development
Achieving greater throwing distance requires perfecting form, grip, balance, and follow-through. This helps develop discipline, focus, and motor skills.
3. Intuitive and Fun movement
Use this motion when you play frisbee with your friends and animals
In outdoor or survival scenarios, the ability to throw far can help hit the fruits on the tall trees, defense, or moving objects over a distance.