Full Body Fundamental Compound Movement Performance
Check-in_4 week
Fundamental compound movement | Full Body
hip thrust
bench press
shoulder press
pull down
Coach’s Feedback
overall strength increased, squat from 65lb to 135lb
joint stability increased, not shaking during the movement
beautiful muscle engagement and technique
Work on
sumo deadlift form: notice the compensation with the lower back -> keep the spine in the neutral position
pull down form: notice the scapula not fully retracted and depressed -> activate scapula before sets, do scapula retraction, downward rotation, depression
Trainee’s Reflection
Lifestyle change (training, dieting, general lifestyle)
Incorporating gym as part of the week (I don’t really know how to be in the gym space before, and feeling overwhelmed by the environment and the variety of equipment)
diet hasn’t changed much; I feel like I’m happier after the gym
Awareness Change (confidence, strength, sense of competence, and more)
The amount of attention required on the specific body parts to complete a movement is beyond my expectations. As a quad-dominant dancer, I can’t feel the glutes at the beginning of the training. But after some exploration with Frankie, I can feel them with squats and deadlifts.
I also feel the expansion of my body and awareness after the training on my upper body especially the bench press. I feel more in control of my body and have agency and competence over myself.