Pull up Form + Posture


  • pull up form

  • back muscle balance

Coaching Feedback

  • Improvement

    • stronger scapula retraction/depression (keep the chest up during movement)

    • no longer compensating with shoulder (no round shoulder)

    • the whole back engagement

  • Work on

    • left/right balance

Trainee’s reflection

  • What do you think contribute to the progress, how was the practice and what was effective?

  • what is the most helpful from Frankie’s coaching?

“Something that I really appreciated was Frankie’s careful eye when it comes to alignment and proper form. They were able to pick out small cues and describe them in ways that made sense for me to apply them in my workouts. We would review videos of my workouts together and they would describe little changes for me to implement, as well as demonstrating so that I could see and feel the differences. As I progressed and applied these cues, I was then able to take on higher weights and challenge myself because I was doing the exercises more effectively. Along with their careful eye, I sensed a deep patience and encouragement from Frankie… that these small changes in form would improve my workouts and fitness over time and it came true! It can be easy to get a little lost at the gym or feel like growth isn’t happening, but Frankie helped me feel supported, strong, and capable. I never felt shame or judgement. Instead, I felt encouragement that improvement is absolutely possible with structure and practice! I was also grateful for how Frankie took into account the other aspects of my lifestyle and helped to shape my programming with that in mind. For instance, my other movement practices involve a lot of pushing, so Frankie built in extra pulling exercises in order to help balance my body. It is so special to have a coach that can see your practice holistically, truly hear and incorporate your individual goals and values for training, and hold you accountable to them. I am so very grateful!”


Upper Body Strength


Full Body Fundamental Compound Movement Performance